.02 What I'm Reading

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Welcome to the second post in the “What I'm Reading” series, where book lovers and audiobook listeners unite.

If you love books as I do, join the conversation! I would love to hear what you are reading.

BOOK: The Compound Effect: Jumpstart your income, your life, your success, Darren Hardy (audio)


The Compound Effect was written in 2012 by self-made millionaire Darren Hardy. For a time, Hardy published Success Magazine and is now a "Success Mentor."


This was a great book. I feel like I am a little late to the game with this book, as it is a New York Times Best Seller. However, this book was the kick in the butt I have been looking for. 

True to his claims, Hardy presents a no b.s. road map to accomplishing your goals. I have read about ten different books, more or less, on habit and time management, but I feel like this is the first book I have really taken action on.

I think the quote that hit me the hardest was, "You alone are responsible for what you do, don't do, or how to respond what's done to you."

My husband works late often and travels quite a bit, and I tend to base my emotions, exhaustion factor, and whether or not I exercise on his schedule. The truth is that I have allowed his schedule to become my excuse for not doing what I should do. (Mostly regarding how often I exercise.) And that quote was a very good wake up call. Only I, not my husband, am responsible for whether I exercise or not.


Read or listen to this book. Period.

BOOK: Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf (old-fashion book )


Mrs. Dalloway was written by the English author, Virginia Woolf, in 1925. This is Woolf's fourth book and explores social issues such a mental illness, homosexuality, and feminism.

Mrs. Dalloway centers around Clarissa Dalloway as she is preparing for a party. It is written in the stream of conscious style and dives into internal monologues of several the characters. Just as there are no breaks, cuts, or fade-aways in one's day, there are no chapter breaks or clear cut-offs in this book.


I found the style of this book profoundly interesting. I have never (at least not to my recollection) read a book without breaks. Woolf captures the stream of conscious style in all its beauty and brutality.

I also think that Woolf is incredibly brave in her subject matter. As she exposes the inner thoughts of her characters, she captured the inner turmoil that so many face. She does it accurately, and in some ways, in the darkest parts, you get a sense that Woolf is trying to tell her story through her characters.

Steven King writes in his book On Writing that a good author tells the truth. Virginia Woolf tells the truth. And I like that.


Do you ever tire of YOUR internal monologue? I know I do. 

It was interesting to dive into another person's thoughts, written exactly as we think. But, truth be told, it was a little exhausting.

I recommend this book for stylistic reasons. It is completely fascinating. However, I don't think that this will be a book that I will pick up again any time soon.

Now, it's your turn! What are you reading? 

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